Saturday, March 19, 2011

We have decided to try cloth diapering.

It was something I was interested in, but since the Chief was not really sure about it, I wasn't going to really push it.  The Chief talked to a coworker that just had baby number 4 and that coworker mentioned the savings in money.  So we are going to try it.

I already have 10 diapers- flannel with velcro that need covers to go over them.  I got these from a friend.

 I have a friend sending me some covers that she didn't use with her son.

 I also ordered two Kawaii diapers to try them out.

 I am also planning on getting some prefolds as well.

I already have a box of size 1 and 2 disposable diapers so I plan to use those when I go out.  I think at first I will stick to using the cloth diapers at home until I am comfortable using them out in public.

1 comment:

GannClan09 said...

You will love cloth. It's so nice not having to worry about running out of disposables because if you do then you have cloth so it doesn't matter! We put disposables on Rory when we go out as well and at night. She is just too much of a heavy wetter to keep her in cloth at night - I don't want to deal with the messes of that!