Sunday, June 27, 2010

And the Rush is over

The craziness of the last few weeks is done. I got all my marking done, got through 2 different grad ceremonies and am not on vacation.  Well, full vacation for a week, but then I am teaching 3 weeks of summer school which is 3 - 1/2 days a week, so not too bad, and then I am back on vacation till September.  Here is a picture of me at the lake enjoying the sunshine and the first night of summer break.  I am sporting my new glasses which are Tra.nsi.tions.  So glad that I got them.

In other news, I am onto another cycle.  I have a Dr's apt on July 14 and the doctor will be giving my Clomid.  So in the meantime ( as the July 14th will be in the middle of my cycle) we have one last cycle to try naturally.  Either way, fingers crossed that by the end of the summer I will have a BFP.

Here is the picture of the cake I made.  Not the most amazing thing, but I think I did a pretty good job.  It is supposed to be a grad hat.  The lid is a piece of cardboard wrapped in foil and then iced.  

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