Monday, February 7, 2011

Some more shopping

Since it seems like right around the corner that Baby Spud will be here, there are still some things I need to get.  Yesterday I ordered a playpen and a swing for the baby.  A playpen is necessary to me as we have a cat, and as much as I love my cat, I don't trust him around a small child.

Here is the one that I ordered

Monkeys is the theme

It doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but it is basic and will do the primary function of keeping the cat away from the baby.  I didn't go with one with a change table as I live in a raised bungalow and will be on the same floor as the nursery all day.  Plus it was on sale.  Also a bonus.

I also ordered the swing.  Not sure if the baby will like it, but I got a good deal on it as I had a coupon for that store.  

Here is the swing

It is from Bri.ght Sta.rts.  I think it is a good brand.

I also decided to do some good old internet ordering.  I ordered a sling from Se.ven and an Ud.der Cover.  All I had to pay was shipping.  Overprice shipping mind you, but shipping alone   ($25 all together).  So hopefully in a few weeks I will have those as well.  

I also bought a ring sling off of Ebay for ($25 with shipping).  That should arrive in about a week and half.  I will post pictures of those when they arrive and tell you what I think of them.


1 comment:

The2sams said...

So exciting to buy for baby!